British Columbia

British Columbia is a beautiful Canadian city, but the ENTIRE time I was there, it was raining! It put such a damper on the mood. Have you ever been to Vancouver? What were your thoughts?T


Sometimes, even the rainiest of days can bring the most beautiful sunsets. In other words, the darkest times can make for the brightest people. You don't know people's stories so never judge a person by their cover.

another beautiful day//

Another day sitting in the office has got me reminiscing about the beautiful Taj Mahal!

To me, I still feel like it was all just a dream and so surreal. The entire trip didn’t feel real and now that I’m back in Canada, it feels as though it didn’t even happen!

However, I did get some good news, and I might be embarking on my next adventure soon…

Thailand adventures//

Thailand seems to be booming in tourists this year.

Personally, I am saving up so I can visit next year. Has anyone been before? Would you recommend going to visit?

There are so many beautiful temples and so much unique foods that one wouldn’t normally try in North America. The culture is strikingly interesting to me and in a sense, I think it will remind me of India.

I’m excited to have the opportunity to travel again in the near future.


travel bug//


Ever since my adventure to India, all I can think of is where should I travel too next?

Words can’t describe how grateful I am still to have had that opportunity and I look forward to having many more. I think my next adventure I want to go to Thailand.

Has anyone been there before?


Comment below.


Day 2- JetLag

Second day here in Mumbai was exhausting to say none the least. A couple of us couldn’t sleep, so around 5, we walked down to the gateway of India and tried to catch the sunrise. After waiting around half an hour, we realized the sun was up and we didn’t even see it come up! We decided we wanted to grab some McDonald’s but unfortunately it still wasn’t open at the time so we headed back to the hotel and waited until then.

At 7, we headed to McDonald’s, and we got to try a breakfast from there. Their menu surprised me quite a bit acrually as there were no beef options (not surprising). I had a hashbrown brioche and a green apple iced tea. We also looked through the menu and noticed so many other different items not offered normally in Canada.

Unfortunately, today’s day was mostly spent inside at the college filled with lectures. Each lecture was inspiring however and provided even more insight about globalization, business in India, how entrepreneurships began, etc. We also had a lecturer talking about film but she was unentertaing and rude. Food was always provided to us by the host organization, with each item offered being completely different. Today, we tried something called ‘Paan’ which is essentially something eaten at the end of a meal to cleanse your palette. I didn’t try it because everyone’s reactions turned me off but apparently I didn’t miss much! We also tried a wrap that was like Indian shawarma to say the least.

Our classroom sessions ended around 4 after we were supposed to end at 1:30. After this, we went on a heritage walk and went to see different museums in the area. The first one we saw was at the museum of modern art which was right in front of our hotel, which discussed the history of Bombay’s art. The second museum we visited was called the Prince of Wales Museum and the outside architecture was incredible. There were statues everywhere and made for perfect photo ops. The inside had a lot of history-from fossils, to art, etc. One thing I noticed that was different here is that they charge people to take pictures! Something I had never noticed before.

After this, we were taken on a walk around town just to see different parts of it as each area looks different than the other.

This day was exhausting not to say the least but we ended off our walk by seeing the sunset at Marine Drive, and you can see the sun setting down with the skyline in the back (see below). After that, we finally headed back to our hotel for some much needed rest! Oh, I also thought my camera broke which was giving me a nice panic attack… however I wouldn’t have changed today for the world!

Day 1-escape//

Well the first day of adventuring in Mumbai has come to an end! It’s crazy to see the difference in cultures around the world. We were welcomed by students from our partner college who so graciously picked us up at the airport, prepared  meals for us, and led us around town. In the morning, we learned a little bit about India culture and religion, and we also went to the Securities Board and Exchange of India as well.
Later in the evening, we had the opportunity to do some shopping in the night markets and see how people really bargain. It was great to have this opportunity and it was definetly a great start to the trip! We got a chance to see the Gateway of India and take some pictures. India is definetly a very picturesque place.

My adventure is awaiting//

My adventure is awaiting me! I have 1 more exam to go, and in 5 days, I’ll be going to India and then to Vancouver.

Words can’t explain how excited I am to have this opportunity to travel halfway around the world to explore new places and have new adventures. My favourite part of summer is travelling and relaxing. I can’t wait to show you my pictures from this adventure! Keep posted.

Plane rides//

Head in the clouds on plane rides…

Whenever I’m on the plane, I find myself in a sense of calm, peace, and relaxation. Seeing the clouds out of the clear window gives me such a great feeling of relaxation for some odd reason. It’s like for a second, everything is beneath you. What is your favourite part of travelling? Do you like the unknown? I can definetly say for myself that I could spend a lifetime in the clouds.. I think this is the true definition of wanderlust.